なにがってFall out boyの新譜、MANIAの一曲、Hold me tight or don'tが…
というか多分歌詞ってピートが作ってんですよね? いままで大体がそうだったし
いや〜なんかやべぇな陽キャ装ってるピートの闇深そうだなってずっと思ってたけどこれはわたしもI'm pretty sure だわ

ちょこちょこ覗きに来ていただいてる方はおそらく洋楽クラスタと思われるので洋楽ネタで投下すべく久々に意訳してみました そしたら余計にカナやん曲への確信を深めた
わざと口調とかカナやんぽくしました 間違いあったらやさしくおしえてくださ〜い


あと「Oh no no no no, this isn't how our story ends」ってとこも女子大生(スイーツ)かよって(偏見が過ぎる)
スイーツなパトリックとか愛すしかないだろ オォン!?
でも4/28にゼッブでFOB見てきて(もちろんこの曲もやりました最高が過ぎていた)「Hold me tight or don't」を冷静に考えると(いや物理的に無理なのかもしれない…)と思えてきた主に胴回り的な問題で YASETE
こういうところが英詩の面白いところだと思うし、こういう遊びができるプロがすごい このアルパムは片思いというか『報われない思い』とかが多いしあとは冷たさ(「freeze」とか「cold」)を感じさせる単語が多くみられる気がしてそういったものとEDM調な無機質なサウンドが合わさって味わい深いです(T-8はどうした?ってくらい感じ変わるけど)

I never really feel a thing
I'm just kinda too froze
You were the only one
That even kinda came close
I just pinch myself
No longer comatose
I woke up no luck
I woke up no luck

And when your stitch comes loose
I want to sleep on every piece of fuzz
And stuffing that comes out of you, you
I took too many hits off this memory
I need to come down

Another day goes by
So hold me tight
Hold me tight or don't

Oh no no no no, this isn't how our story ends
So hold me tight
Hold me tight or don't

I got too high again
When I realized I can't not be with you
Or be just your friend
I love you to death but I just can't
I just can't pretend
We were lovers first
Confidants but never friends
Were we ever friends?

But when your stitch comes loose
I want to sleep on every piece of fuzz
And stuffing that comes out of you, you
I took too many hits off this memory
I need to come down

Another day goes by
So hold me tight
Hold me tight or don't

Oh no no no no, this isn't how our story ends
So hold me tight
Hold me tight or don't
Hold me tight or don't

'Cause I'm past the limits
The distance between us, it sharpens me like a knife
Past the limits
The distance between us, it sharpens me like a knife

Another day goes by
So hold me tight
Hold me tight or don't
I'm pretty sure that this isn't how our story ends
So hold me tight

いつも拍手ありがとうございます〜 さぼってばっかでごめんなさい